storytelling to me feels like a sort of fuel that feeds me purpose to put into words all these feelings, dreams, desires, and lessons i am (and have been) learning. it all started a few years ago, when 22 year-old me experienced an interesting heartbreak; i did not know how to express all those feelings of confusion and… well, mostly confusion. i had been so lucky that, up until that time, i had only shared my heart with people who treated it with kindness– it became a strong lesson for me that people treat us the way they treat themselves. so in a way, it is thanks to this experience that i found this outlet and, oh man, i love it. i am 28 now, and i think i am at a much better place finding my voice in poetry.
currently, i am mainly posting on my poetry IG account (@poetrybyeri), and i am actually starting a new collection (a photo-poetry collection) called “something to say about love” and it is going to be *mind-blowing* haha ok no. it is a collection where i chat with people from all over the world, get their experiences on love, and then i’ll write a poem about it and take a portrait of them.
i have a poetry book titled “Good Souls Make Mistakes” that you can purchase on Amazon <3. you all should check it out because i am so proud of that baby and wrote it with so much love :).